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Plenary section

Section date(s) : 05.10.2012

Kurashev Dmitry, dsk@entensys.com
Kazin Alexander, isdef.md@gmail.com

Round table "Negative tendencies and risks factors of Russian software market regulatuion

Section date(s) : 05.10.2012

Moochnick Felix, fmoochnick@gmail.com

ISDEF press-conference

Section date(s) : 05.10.2012

Kurashev Dmitry, dsk@entensys.com

Round table "Cooperation between ISV's & software distributors during SaaS era"

Section date(s) : 05.10.2012

Kazin Alexander, isdef.md@gmail.com

Business Growth

Section date(s) : 05.10.2012; 06.10.2012; 07.10.2012

Rudnik Roman, r.rudnik@gmail.com

Microsoft Innovation Day

Section date(s) : 06.10.2012

Kazin Alexander, isdef.md@gmail.com

Legal issues

Section date(s) : 06.10.2012

Motsnyi Igor, igormotsnyi@hotmail.com

Experience sharing

Section date(s) : 07.10.2012

Kazin Alexander, isdef.md@gmail.com

Foreign jurisdictions for IT companies

Section date(s) : 07.10.2012

Vasilyeva Tatyana, vasilieva@avlegal.eu

Marketing & PR

Section date(s) : 06.10.2012; 07.10.2012

Yakupov Lev, lev.yakupov@gmail.com


Plenary section

05th October 2012, Friday

Welcome speach

Kurashev Dmitry Kurashev Dmitry

ISDEF board chairman
Topic language Russian
Duration 10 min.
Start time 10:00 - 10:10
Location No information

Windows 8 - Find New Ways to Monetize Your Products

Mark A. Iverson Mark A. Iverson

Digital River MyCommerce
Group Vice President
Topic language English
Duration 30 min.
Start time 10:10 - 10:40
Location No information

New business opportunities with Microsoft

Marchenko Dmitry Marchenko Dmitry

ISV business development head
Topic language Russian
Duration 60 min.
Start time 11:05 - 12:05
Location No information

ISVs Transition to SaaS: Challenge or Huge Opportunity?

Olesya Chedleeva Olesya Chedleeva

CIS Sales Manager
How to have a smooth transition to SaaS and subscription models.
Steps that you can to take when transitioning from lifetime
traditional business models to subscription billing.
How to have a global unified customer
experience across any channel via any business models.
Topic language Russian
Duration 15 min.
Start time 12:30 - 12:45
Location No information

Global changes on software market. Ways and methods of development.

Sergey Ryzhykov Sergey Ryzhykov

1C Bitrix
Topic language Russian
Duration 45 min.
Start time 12:45 - 13:30
Location No information

Future development ways

Ashmanov Igor Ashmanov Igor

Ashmanov & partners
Managing partner
Topic language Russian
Duration 30 min.
Start time 13:30 - 14:00
Location No information

Round table "Negative tendencies and risks factors of Russian software market regulatuion

05th October 2012, Friday


1. Software market non-transparency
2. Dumping & it's influence on software market
3. Software market state regulation
4. Forming of software market by own hands: how to survive and examples of others.

Participants: Microsoft, Adobe, Kaspersky Lab, Abbyy, Mont, Softkey
Topic language Russian
Duration 90 min.
Start time 15:00 - 16:30
Location No information

ISDEF press-conference

05th October 2012, Friday


Kurashev Dmitry Kurashev Dmitry
Topic language Russian
Duration 120 min.
Start time 15:00 - 17:00
Location No information

Round table "Cooperation between ISV's & software distributors during SaaS era"

05th October 2012, Friday


Discussion regarding ISV's & CIS distributors cooperation.

Benefits from cooperation with distributors for ISV's.
Distributors role in SaaS era.
How distributors are choosing products for their price-list.
How distributors are pushing (if yes) the products.
Ideal ISV portrait from distributors point of view.
Cooperation issues between ISV's & distributors.

Participants: 1C, Softkey, Softline, Antivirus Pro
Topic language Russian
Duration 90 min.
Start time 17:30 - 19:00
Location No information

Business Growth

05th October 2012, Friday

Marketing inside of company and peace of madness

Сергей Абдульманов Сергей Абдульманов

Организация системы управления под рост ключевых сотрудников и атмосфера в команде. Как оставаться молодым, безумным и причинять добро, как иметь живое человеческое лицо в сети и за её пределами.
Topic language Russian
Duration 30 min.
Start time 17:30 - 18:00
Location No information

Going to b2b market. Oxygen Software example.

Oleg Fedorov Oleg Fedorov

Oxygen Software
Расскажу про то, как мы полностью ушли с рынка shareware утилит для обычных пользователей на рынок дорогого корпоративного ПО. Про различия в работе на одном и на другом. Про другие инструменты маркетинга и про то, как продавать. Продукт, а имидж.
Topic language Russian
Duration 30 min.
Start time 18:00 - 18:30
Location No information

SaaS as a new business for a company without to become bankrupt

Sergei Ryzhikov Sergei Ryzhikov

Если ваша компания никогда ранее не создавала SaaS-сервисы, то вас ждет несколько важных открытий.
Вы должны измениться как руководитель и понять отличия бизнеса SaaS.
И вам предстоит помочь своим коллегам изменить работу отделов маркетинга, производства, поддержки, продаж...
На самом деле, я буду просто делиться опытом того, как рождался и начал работать "Битрикс24" и как это изменило нашу компанию и наши продукты. Business development - загадочный термин, прочувствовать его не так-то просто.
Topic language Russian
Duration 60 min.
Start time 18:30 - 19:30
Location No information
06th October 2012, Saturday

Payment Page Builder - Alive and Kickin'! How to build and optimize your checkout page. A glimpse at our Mobile SDK.

Nadezhda Ivanova Nadezhda Ivanova

Topic language Russian
Duration 30 min.
Start time 17:30 - 18:00
Location No information

Company strategy, SWOT-analysis, risk-management and other buben-dances for those, who wants to growth

Alexander Lyskovsky Alexander Lyskovsky

Важной, а зачастую необходимой составляющей роста компании на таком бурноменяющемся рынке как IT, Software и Internet, является умение отвечать на вопросы: Кто мы? Куда мы идем? Какие сложности по пути могут возникнут? Кто наши клиенты/конкуренты/потребители?
Все это стратегический менеджмент. В этом докладе я хочу рассказать, как мы приходили к нему в компании Alawar и к чему это привело. А так же о том в какой стадии роста компании это желательно, а в какой - обязательно.
Topic language Russian
Duration 60 min.
Start time 18:00 - 19:00
Location No information
07th October 2012, Sunday

Opportunities by Moving Software Products to the Cloud

Tetyana Franke Tetyana Franke

Digital River MyCommerce
Business Development Manager
Topic language Russian
Duration 30 min.
Start time 10:00 - 10:30
Location No information

Development steps. What for to earn money, if you don't have it, and how to stay selfmotivated, if you have the money already.

Roman Rudnik Roman Rudnik

Мы часто слышим: «Бизнес - для зарабатывания денег». И нас безумно мотивируют первые деньки, первая машина, первая квартира. А что дальше, когда финансовый вопрос закрыт? Мы поговорим про ступени развития и постараемся понять, куда двигаться, чтобы работа зажигала.
Topic language Russian
Duration 30 min.
Start time 10:30 - 11:00
Location No information

How to measure your company performance? What is to be considered except your cash flow?

Dmitry Kurashev Dmitry Kurashev

ISDEF board chairman
Development of business can go a more or less successfully. However, in order to assess this, it is important to find a way to measure it somehow. Here is a case when it shouldn't be all about money. We'll discuss a variety of indicators of popularity, efficiency and reputaion.
Topic language Russian
Duration 30 min.
Start time 11:00 - 11:30
Location No information

Startup lessons learned: mistakes & failures you don't have to make

Alexey Orap Alexey Orap

Launching technological startup involves a lot of risk. How do you minimize it? Based on my own experience and mistakes, I will tell you about some of my lessons learned, pitfalls and mistakes you need to avoid to make your startup successful.
Topic language Russian
Duration 30 min.
Start time 11:30 - 12:00
Location No information

Microsoft Innovation Day

06th October 2012, Saturday

Windows 8 – the most considerable opportunity of monetization with Windows Store

Chernomordikov Mikhail Chernomordikov Mikhail

Strategic technologies expert
Topic language Russian
Duration 40 min.
Start time 10:00 - 10:40
Location No information

Cloud based services – reliability and monitoring, cloud services scenarios and cases

Bokov Alexey Bokov Alexey

Windows Azure expert
Topic language Russian
Duration 40 min.
Start time 10:40 - 11:20
Location No information

Project management, reporting. Effective resources management

Andreev Dmitry Andreev Dmitry

IT systems development expert
Topic language Russian
Duration 40 min.
Start time 11:20 - 12:00
Location No information

Windows Phone: third ecosystem as the way to grow

Chernomordikov Mikhail Chernomordikov Mikhail

Strategic technologies expert
Topic language Russian
Duration 30 min.
Start time 12:30 - 13:00
Location No information

Cloud services and data security law (FZ152)

Marchenko Dmitry Marchenko Dmitry

ISV business development head
Topic language Russian
Duration 30 min.
Start time 13:00 - 13:30
Location No information

Inventing the wheel or using ready to go services?

Martynov Dmitry Martynov Dmitry

Platform strategy adviser
Topic language Russian
Duration 30 min.
Start time 13:30 - 14:00
Location No information

Legal issues

06th October 2012, Saturday

Introduction: welcome speech

Igor Motsnyi Igor Motsnyi

Motsnyi Legal Services/STANDMARK
Topic language Russian
Duration 10 min.
Start time 15:00 - 15:10
Location No information

Recent updates on the EC Copyright , Trademarks, Foreign investments in Hi- Tech sector, software and games distribution related legislation

Alexandre Kolosovski Alexandre Kolosovski

International Legal Counsels Paris, France (Femida.us)
Topic language Russian
Duration 40 min.
Start time 15:10 - 15:50
Location No information

Brands in software business: registration, protection, choice of jurisdictions, costs, etc

Igor Motsnyi and Andrey Vasin Igor Motsnyi and Andrey Vasin

Motsnyi Legal Services/STANDMARK
Partner, trademark attorney
Topic language Russian
Duration 40 min.
Start time 15:50 - 16:30
Location No information

Q and A session

Topic language Russian
Duration 30 min.
Start time 16:30 - 17:00
Location No information

How to attract investors to your software business?

Anton Klyachin Anton Klyachin

Salomon Partners
Topic language Russian
Duration 45 min.
Start time 17:30 - 18:15
Location No information

The Basics of Selling Your Business

Dmitry Dubograev Dmitry Dubograev

International Legal Counsels US (Femida.us)
Topic language Russian
Duration 45 min.
Start time 18:15 - 19:00
Location No information

Experience sharing

07th October 2012, Sunday

"Недобросовестная конкуренция в связи с незаконным использованием результатов ИС: российское регулирование и новеллы законодательства США"

Shane R. DeBeer Shane R. DeBeer

Topic language Russian
Duration 30 min.
Start time 10:00 - 10:30
Location No information

Implementation of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in small and medium-sized software companies as an instrument of increasing efficiency in investor relations. FAQ on advantages and complexities related to implementation, preparation of the reports and audit.

Arutyunyan Mikhail Arutyunyan Mikhail

DeviceLock inc
Head of financial department
Topic language Russian
Duration 60 min.
Start time 11:00 - 12:00
Location No information

Foreign jurisdictions for IT companies

07th October 2012, Sunday

News & trends in corporate finance for software companies.

no photo available Laura Busato Prieto

adviser in corporate finance and investment banking
Topic language English
Duration 60 min.
Start time 12:30 - 13:30
Location No information

Trends in international tax law - 2012

Tanya Vasilyeva Tanya Vasilyeva

AVA Legal in association with Motsnyi Legal and Salomon Partners
Review of new OECD documents in the area of international taxation
Discussion of important tax news of different countries
Topic language Russian
Duration 35 min.
Start time 13:30 - 14:05
Location No information

US tax planning

Boris Foxman Boris Foxman

NBAC Corporation
Topic language Russian
Duration 45 min.
Start time 15:00 - 15:45
Location No information

Business game: Developing international structure of software corporation. New rules of the game

Tanya Vasilyeva Tanya Vasilyeva

AVA Legal in association with Motsnyi Legal and Salomon Partners
Business game with the use of the "field of jurisdictions", which allows to estimate and analyse the implications of your decisions on international group structuring or restructuring as well as implications related to transactions between related companies in different jurisdictions.
Advanced level.
Topic language Russian
Duration 90 min.
Start time 15:45 - 17:15
Location No information

Business game: Personal tax planning for beneficial owners. Trusts, funds and other mechanisms of tax planning.

Tanya Vasilyeva Tanya Vasilyeva

AVA Legal in association with Motsnyi Legal and Salomon Partners
Topic language Russian
Duration 90 min.
Start time 17:30 - 19:00
Location No information

Marketing & PR

06th October 2012, Saturday

Accelerating your software sales: lessons from the global shareware trenches

Chedleeva Olesya Chedleeva Olesya

CIS Sales Manager
How to drive success with performance marketing techniques
in the software vertical. Insights on the rapidly changing
software market and the resulting need for software companies
to optimize their marketing and online sales processes and
to gain access to new sales channels.
Topic language Russian
Duration 30 min.
Start time 15:00 - 15:30
Location No information

Do you really need to participate in exhibitions and conferences ?

Fedorov Oleg Fedorov Oleg

Oxygen Software
Topic language Russian
Duration 30 min.
Start time 15:30 - 16:00
Location No information

Software Help Authoring: Process & Tools

Alexander Zinchuk Alexander Zinchuk

Head of documentation development
The goal of this report is to demonstrate the help authoring process,
describe the key help types and formats, and compare the most
convenient and popular help authoring tools. Moreover, the report will
cover such important aspects of the process as translation, updates,
and the revision of help documentation and embedding of multimedia
Topic language Russian
Duration 30 min.
Start time 16:00 - 16:30
Location No information

The Hidden Part of Iceberg: How to Meet Business Objectives with User's Expectations

Dmitry Miheev Dmitry Miheev

UIDesign Group
UI Designer
Topic language Russian
Duration 30 min.
Start time 16:30 - 17:00
Location No information
07th October 2012, Sunday

The Mystery of PR Efficiency

Evgenia Kolobukhova Evgenia Kolobukhova

A-Tak PR Agency
1. Review of popular PR efficiency measurement methods.
2. Factors of PR success for PR-managers, executives and IT-guys.
3. Why people buy an invisible matter.
Topic language Russian
Duration 60 min.
Start time 12:30 - 13:30
Location No information

Abroad Internet-Marketing and PR: the Basic Principles

Andy Cheban Andy Cheban

Topic language Russian
Duration 30 min.
Start time 13:00 - 13:30
Location No information

Following Jobs's Style - Creating Design for Mobile Markets before Product Development

no photo available Vitaly Yanko

I-Free Innovations
Product Marketing Manager
1. Why it's getting harder to sell classic shareware.
2. New face of e-commerce providers.
3. Sucсessful sales plans and cases.
Topic language Russian
Duration 30 min.
Start time 13:30 - 14:00
Location No information

Increase Brand Awareness through Social Media and SEO

Amy Hall Amy Hall

Digital River MyCommerce
Client Development Manager
Topic language English
Duration 30 min.
Start time 15:00 - 15:30
Location No information

Value of Understanding Global Customer Behavior

Michael Batko Michael Batko

Key Account Manager
Learn region-based industry benchmarks to help provide
customers with an optimized experience to increase
Topic language English
Duration 30 min.
Start time 15:45 - 16:15
Location No information

How to Loose All of Your Customers by Turning Down Email Newsletters

Andrey Burmus, Natalia Solovyeva Andrey Burmus, Natalia Solovyeva

Atom Park Software, Unisender
Topic language Russian
Duration 30 min.
Start time 16:30 - 17:00
Location No information

Video-Based Marketing: How To Make Your Videos Work For You

Kirill Kliushkin Kirill Kliushkin

Head of video productions
All right, you have a great selling video for your product. What's
next? What can you do with a video to really benefit from it? How do
you present it to your site visitors, how do you design a page with
the video, how do you optimize it to improve your ranking in YouTube
and Google search results? Our presentation answers all of these
Topic language Russian
Duration 30 min.
Start time 17:30 - 18:00
Location No information

Why Developers Shouldn't be Allowed to Design Interfaces

Michael Payson Michael Payson

Perpetuum Software
Have you ever dreamed about crashing your monitor with something really heavy? I admit I want to do it sometimes. In my speach I'll tell you why you have to trust in your developers interface disigning skill with a great care.
Topic language Russian
Duration 30 min.
Start time 18:00 - 18:30
Location No information

Why Contextual Advertising doesn't Work?

Dmitri Gerko Dmitri Gerko

Zedzima Ads
Personal PPC Manager
Should you reckon with the fastest-growing market of contextual advertising.
Different opinions on contextual advertising or why it works for ones and doesn't work for others.
A complex approach to contextual advertising or how to make it work.
Expences on advertising or business investments.
Topic language Russian
Duration 30 min.
Start time 18:30 - 19:00
Location No information