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Вevelopers support programs

Section date(s) : 23.04.2011

Katalov Vladimir, vkatalov@elcomsoft.com


Section date(s) : 23.04.2011

Motsnyi Igor, igormotsnyi@hotmail.com

Conference opening

Section date(s) : 23.04.2011

Katalov Vladimir, vkatalov@elcomsoft.com

Inspection of IT business in Russia: how to be prepared and how to receive the necessary info

Section date(s) : 24.04.2011

Philippenko Michael, michaelphilippenko@gmail.com


Section date(s) : 23.04.2011


Business development

Section date(s) : 24.04.2011

Rudnik Roman, r.rudnik@gmail.com


Section date(s) : 24.04.2011

Yakupov Lev, lev.yakupov@gmail.com

Investment into IT market

Section date(s) : 23.04.2011



Вevelopers support programs

23rd April 2011, Saturday

Welcome speech

Vladimir Katalov Vladimir Katalov

ElcomSoft Co.Ltd.
Topic language Russian
Duration 10 min.
Start time 17:00 - 17:10
Location Hall "A"

Tools of new Microsoft Partner Program

Vitaly Ozhigov Vitaly Ozhigov

In the report new tools for support of the companies-developers - Microsoft Platform Ready, Microsoft Pinpoint and Global Partner Services will be considered.
Topic language Russian
Duration 80 min.
Start time 17:10 - 18:30
Location Hall "A"

Mac AppStore fаeatures. About development, promotion and sale proceeds in Mac App Store, iPhone/iPad AppStore and stores for other platforms

Vladislav Kharchev Vladislav Kharchev

CIS Manager
Mac AppStore - стоит ли овчинка выделки: статистика продаж в нем. iOS AppStore (для iPhone/iPad): статистика продаж в нем. Некоторые сведения об объемах продаж в АппСторах для других платформ ( Android, Bada & Nokia).
Методы раскрутки приложений для iPhone и Mac от iSpreadNews.com.
Какие приложения стоит делать для iphone/ipad. На что делать упор. На какие рынки ориентироваться.
Topic language Russian
Duration 60 min.
Start time 18:30 - 19:30
Location Hall "A"


23rd April 2011, Saturday

Welcome speech

Igor Motsnyi Igor Motsnyi

Motsnyi Legal Services
Topic language Russian
Duration 10 min.
Start time 10:10 - 10:20
Location Hall "A"

What software business shall expect in 2011? Lawyer's opinion.

Igor Motsnyi Igor Motsnyi

Motsnyi Legal Services (www.motsnyi.com)
Partner, trademark attorney
1. What has changed in the legal regulation of software business in 2011?
2. What may change by the end of 2011?
3. Draft law amending part IV of the Civil Code of Russia: what software business should know?
Topic language Russian
Duration 20 min.
Start time 10:20 - 10:40
Location Hall "A"

Tax planning in software business

Tatiana Vasilieva Tatiana Vasilieva

Alexandrov, Vasilieva and associates (www.avlegal.eu)
1. Structuring of royalties and other payments. Why it is right to say that there are no universal solutions?
2. Basics of holdings structure in software business.
3. Jurisdictions: Great Britain, Cyprus, Ireland, the Netherlands,Luxembourg. Problematic issues.
Topic language Russian
Duration 20 min.
Start time 10:40 - 11:00
Location Hall "A"

OEM license agreement: case study

Dmitri Dubograev Dmitri Dubograev

International Legal Counsels (www.femida.us)
Topic language Russian
Duration 20 min.
Start time 11:10 - 11:30
Location Hall "A"

Conference opening

23rd April 2011, Saturday

Welcome speech

Vladimir Katalov Vladimir Katalov

ElcomSoft Co.Ltd.
Topic language Russian
Duration 10 min.
Start time 10:00 - 10:10
Location Hall "A"

Inspection of IT business in Russia: how to be prepared and how to receive the necessary info

24th April 2011, Sunday

Welcome speech

Michael Philippenko Michael Philippenko

Fast Reports Inc.
Topic language Russian
Duration 10 min.
Start time 14:00 - 14:10
Location Hall "A"

Inspection of IT business in Russia:how to be prepared and how to receive the necessary info

Michael Philippenko Michael Philippenko

Fast Reports Inc.
Topic language Russian
Duration 80 min.
Start time 14:10 - 15:30
Location Hall "A"


23rd April 2011, Saturday

Welcome speech

Natalia Solovyeva Natalia Solovyeva

PayPro Global
Marketing manager
Topic language Russian
Duration 5 min.
Start time 11:30 - 11:35
Location Hall "A"

PR in the blogosphere or how to get into contact with bloggers

Marina Maslovskaya Marina Maslovskaya

- PR recipe for working in the blogosphere: basic ingredients.
- Is making a corporate blog good or bad?
- How to organize the work with other bloggers and what blogs should you get there first?
- How to be pitched by bloggers via email?
- Recommendations for building mutually beneficial relations with bloggers.
Topic language Russian
Duration 15 min.
Start time 11:35 - 11:50
Location Hall "A"

Cases of IT companies promotion on social media: hits and bugs. Part 1.

Ksenia Chabanenko Ksenia Chabanenko

- SMM campaigns: progress review
- Why IT companies need in social media marketing
- Some theory about monitoring, networks choice, communications and activities in social networks
- Cases from audience. An author of the most interesting case will get the book "In social networks. Twitter – 140 characters of self-impression" signed by authors as a present.
Topic language Russian
Duration 10 min.
Start time 11:50 - 12:00
Location Hall "A"

Cases of IT companies promotion on social media: hits and bugs. Part 2.

Elena Sorokina Elena Sorokina

- SMM campaigns: progress review
- Why IT companies need in social media marketing
- Some theory about monitoring, networks choice, communications and activities in social networks
- Cases from audience. An author of the most interesting case will get the book "In social networks. Twitter – 140 characters of self-impression" signed by authors as a present.
Topic language Russian
Duration 10 min.
Start time 12:00 - 12:10
Location Hall "A"

Two in a boat: you and your PR manager

Lev Yakupov Lev Yakupov

Marketing manager
- Are you ready for PR?
- What is NOT a PR?
- What PR tools would be exactly for you?
- How to create newsbreaks?
- What to choose - PR-manager or PR-agency?
- How to measure PR results?
Topic language Russian
Duration 15 min.
Start time 12:15 - 12:30
Location Hall "A"

Practial methods of software promotion on the world markets

Ruslan Savchyshyn Ruslan Savchyshyn

Topic language Russian
Duration 15 min.
Start time 12:30 - 12:45
Location Hall "A"

Business development

24th April 2011, Sunday

Welcome speech

Roman Rudnik Roman Rudnik

Topic language Russian
Duration 2 min.
Start time 15:30 - 15:32
Location Hall "A"

Briefs to allow for growth: For what to raise the Big Business?

no photo available Dennis Nazarenko

- Для чего люди хотят быть богатыми?
- Как и почему они ими становятся?
- Что потом с этим всем делать?
- И как добиться тех же результатов ничего не делая
Topic language Russian
Duration 20 min.
Start time 15:32 - 15:52
Location Hall "A"

How to make strategic and tactical decisions in the fast-growing company - role of the leader and management. From 50 to 200

Felix Moochnick Felix Moochnick

Изменение масштаба компании влечет за собой не только внешние, но и внутренние риски.
Выбор схемы управления (матрично-функциональная или иерархическая).
Роль лидера и команды.
Взаимоотношения по понятиям/по регламенту.
Кадровый голод рынка профессионалов.
Topic language Russian
Duration 25 min.
Start time 15:50 - 16:15
Location Hall "A"

Management - projects, people, letters, and other game rules

Alexander V. Lyskovsky Alexander V. Lyskovsky

- Почему менеджмент не обучен управлять собой, людьми и проектами?
- Чему можно научить и как мы это делаем в компании Алавар.
- Задачи менежера-управленца и его зоны отвественности
- Что должен делать, а что наоборот не должен никогда руководитель.
- Почта, голос или личная встреча?
- Типичные ошибки молодости. Любимые "грабли" управленца.
Topic language Russian
Duration 30 min.
Start time 16:15 - 16:45
Location Hall "A"

Work Hard and Smart: how to apply a startup approaches to software business

no photo available Eugene Lisovskiy
Как за 3 месяца войти в тройку лидеров высоко-конкурентного
ecommerce рынка? Как построить классную команду и выполнять все KPI?
Трудные задачи и пути их решения. Никакой теории – только практика:
настоящая, боевая стартаперская практика.
Topic language Russian
Duration 25 min.
Start time 16:45 - 17:10
Location Hall "A"


24th April 2011, Sunday

Welcome speech

Lev Yakupov Lev Yakupov

Marketing Manager
Topic language Russian
Duration 5 min.
Start time 17:00 - 17:05
Location Hall "A"

Choice of the optimal sales strategy depending on your licensing model

Eugen Rosca Eugen Rosca

PayPro Global
Sales Manager
1. Рекуррентные платежи, как средство увеличения продаж;
2. Эффективное взаимодействие с потенциальными покупателями, обработка лидов;
3. Методика перекрестных продаж: возможные варианты реализации, анализ соответствия продуктов.
Topic language Russian
Duration 15 min.
Start time 17:05 - 17:20
Location Hall "A"

Portrait of a Ukrainian software buyer 2011

Anna Bondarchuk Anna Bondarchuk

Softkey Ukraine
Кто покупает ПО в УАнете: соцдем;
Частота покупок;
Приоритетные способы оплаты;
Что предпочитает покупатель: физики и юрики;
Как достучаться до клиента;
Сравнения российского и украинского рынка по последним годам.
Topic language Russian
Duration 15 min.
Start time 17:20 - 17:35
Location Hall "A"

Rebranding in terms of ISV

Andrew Vlaskin Andrew Vlaskin

Deputy of marketing director
Topic language Russian
Duration 15 min.
Start time 17:35 - 17:50
Location Hall "A"

Improving conversion/boosting sales

Stanislav Roussev Stanislav Roussev

Marketing Manager
Topic language English
Duration 15 min.
Start time 17:50 - 18:05
Location Hall "A"

The role of SMM in marketing communications: theory and practice

Ksenia Chabanenko Ksenia Chabanenko

Topic language Russian
Duration 15 min.
Start time 18:05 - 18:20
Location Hall "A"

Investment into IT market

23rd April 2011, Saturday

Welcome speech

Maxim Shekhovtsov Maxim Shekhovtsov

InnaLabs Inc.
Topic language Russian
Duration 10 min.
Start time 14:00 - 14:10
Location Hall "A"

Round table "Investmet into IT market"

Maxim Shekhovtsov Maxim Shekhovtsov

InnaLabs Inc.
- Andrey Zotov, ADJ
- Pavel Bogdanov, Almaz Capital
- Pavel Nikonov, ABRT Fund
- Vladimir Mnogoletnyi, Paradigm
Investments into IT.
What areas are now most popular from the point of view of investment in the world and Russia, where venture funds look?
Logic of thinking of venture capitalists: on what pay attention, what models are most popular today?
Potential of IT market of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus.
The loudest last deals.
Venture funds today
Topic language Russian
Duration 140 min.
Start time 14:10 - 16:30
Location Hall "A"